Press Releases

JOINT RESPONSE TO THE SECOND ROUND OF NEGOTIATIONS, 17 July 2017: Response of British in Europe and the3million to the second round of negotiations.

JOINT PRESS RELEASE, 10 July 2017: Joint Response from British in Europe coalition and the3million to European Parliament’s announcement on UK Government’s proposals on citizens rights.

JOINT PRESS RELEASE, 3 July 2017: British in Europe and the3million announce joint response to the UK Government’s Proposal of 26 June to EU citizens in UK and UK citizens in EU.

JOINT RESPONSE PAPER, 3 July 2017Joint Response Paper written by British in Europe coalition and the3million

Alternative White Paper

2 February 2016 – On the eve of the Government’s White Paper publication, UK citizens living in the EU present their UK Citizens in Europe – Towards an Alternative White Paper.

This is the biggest group of British citizens’ organisations in Europe working together for the first time to call for their serious concerns to be acted on before Article 50 is triggered.  The groups represent thousands of British citizens living and working across the continent.

UK Citizens in Europe – Towards an Alternative White Paper sets out clear concerns about being able to live, work, run a business or study in the European countries where many have made lives for themselves and their families.

Authors Jane Golding and Jeremy Morgan QC added:

“Following the Supreme Court ruling, UK MPs have both the opportunity and the clear responsibility to make approval of the bill to trigger Article 50 conditional on safeguarding the rights and livelihoods of over a million UK citizens living in Europe (as well as around 3 million EU citizens in the UK).  This should happen at the earliest opportunity.” (J. Golding)

Our paper shows that the complex position of individuals who have moved to another EU country.  It is clear that unless all rights are preserved, many people will have no choice but to give up their homes and their lives and return to their country of origin.” (J. Morgan)

The signatories of the Alternative White Paper are:

  • British in Europe (Germany), 
  • British Community Committee of France,  
  • Expat Citizen Rights in EU (ECREU) on behalf of 6,000 members from 25 EU Countries (France), 
  • Fair Deal for Expats (France), 
  • RIFT (Remain in France Together),
  • Brexpats Hear our Voice (Belgium),
  • British in Italy, 
  • Bremain in Spain EuroCitizens (Spain), and 
  • New Europeans (UK) 


Brits in Europe supports the petition request from What’s the Plan:  

4 December 2016, for further information see Guardian article

The Government has said it will trigger Article 50 before the end of March and yet it has so far failed to produce a plan. The resulting uncertainty is damaging the economy and preventing the country from uniting behind the result of the referendum.

The Government must now spell out its priorities for its negotiations with our EU partners and for change in the UK post-Brexit. Millions of peoples’ lives and business decisions are on hold waiting for such a plan.

Instead of relying on leaked memos and long distance photos, we ask that the Government present a plan that answers our 10 questions, so that Parliament and the public has a chance of a proper debate on our country’s future.

Brits in Europe statement for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Free Movement 

Published and endorsed by ECREU on 19 October 2016

In addition to a general goal of lobbying to ensure that proper democratic process is followed post the vote, and that Parliament is involved throughout, our group:

  1. supports the UK’s continuing access to the EU single market to secure the jobs and livelihoods of working people, whether in the UK or UK citizens in the EU;
  2. seeks the guarantee of existing rights of UK citizens in the EU and EU citizens in the UK to live, work, and own property in the EU and the UK, including rights to healthcare, welfare and other social security rights;
  3. seeks government representation of the interests of UK nationals abroad and EU nationals in the UK.

Specific concerns of our members as regards the rights of UK citizens in other EU countries include (some of these issues will equally be applicable to EU citizens in the UK, especially point i)):

i) Residency rights, as well as the right to work, and right of establishment, whether as an employee or self-employed person, for UK nationals currently resident and working in other EU countries.  Linked to this, the current system of mutual recognition of professional qualifications should be guaranteed post any Brexit.

ii) Health cover for UK pensioners and whether this will still be covered by the local health authorities back-charging the NHS, including health costs for elderly parents joining their children living in the EU (note that, outside the EU, e.g. in Australia, this can raise significant difficulties for families).

iii) Pension rights for UK pensioners and the guarantee that such pensioners will continue to receive annual increases and fuel allowances post any Brexit.

iv) The rights of children of UK citizens living in other EU countries, e.g. to live, study, work and vote in the UK.

v) Residency rights for non-EU spouses of UK nationals resident in other EU countries.

Find out more about APPG on free movement here.