Dr. Robert Harrison

British in Germany
c/- 24IP Law Group
Herzogspitalstraße 10a,
80331 München

Email: robert.harrison(at)

The Satzung (Charter) of the „British in Germany e.V.“ is available below:

BiG AGM 2023 and present Vorstand

The last British in Germany e.V. AGM was held on 04th June 2023 chaired by Dr. Robert Harrison.   The following Vorstand members were not required to be re-elected, as that takes place bi-yearly:

Chair:  Jane Golding  (and Co-Founder)

Deputy Chair:  Alison Jones

Treasurer:  Daniel Tetlow  (and Co-Founder)

Former Vorstand member Amanda Diel stood down.  BiG wishes to thank her and active Steering Committee member Rob Compton for their service and support of British in Germany e.V.