Information Evening for British citizens in Frankfurt (April 2018)

British in Germany and the Office of the Frankfurter Oberbürgermeister, in cooperation with the Embassy and the Deutsche-Britische Gesellschaft, Frankfurt have started to plan an “Information Evening” for the Oberbürgermeister’s British citizens. The main goal will be to provide information from reliable sources on the current state of knowledge on the impact of Brexit on the British in Germany and the resources available in Frankfurt to deal with matters regarding permission for British citizens to continue to live there and Dual Nationality.

The decision to hold the “Information Evening” has been taken by all concerned and a small, combined team will now confirm the feasibility of the goal of the meeting and plan the event in detail. It will probably be after Easter.

If you live in Frankfurt or elsewhere in the Rhein-Main area and are interested in attending the Information Evening, please send an email with the following information to: 

1. Your name and email address
2. The town where you live
3. Any “networks” in which you communicate and which may help us publicise the meeting to a wide, British audience.
4. Any particular relevant topics which would not fall under the generic descriptions above.

Please feel free to copy this notice to British friends and contacts in the Frankfurt / Rhein-Main area.