Notification to Ausländerbehörde

UK citizens in Germany with rights under the Withdrawal Agreement have been asked to notify their local Ausländerbehörde (Foreigners’ Office) by 30th June, 2021.

More information

For more details on the residency process Residency – latest


Your local Ausländerbehörde may have provided a form for you to use to notify them of your residence and claim to rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

If not, you can use the template below. Simply copy the text and include your own details. Post as a letter to the Ausländerbehörde using registered mail (Einschreiben) if possible. That way you have proof that you sent it and that it was received. The Ausländerbehörde should confirm receipt of your notification.

If you have children under the age of 18 who have UK citizenship and whom you expect also to have rights under the WA, you should include them in your notification.

If at all possible, do this before the 30th June date . You do NOT lose your rights if you have not made a notification by this date. But after 30th June, it is more likely that you will be asked to provide evidence of your rights. If you do not yet have an Aufenthaltsdokument-GB, showing that you have at least contacted Ausländerbehörde will help.

Anzeige des Aufenthalts

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit zeige ich Ihnen gem §16 II 2 Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU meinen Aufenthalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland an.

Ich bin britische(r) Staatsangehörige(r), Inhaber/in eines britischen Reisepasses Nr. …………………., ausgestellt am…….. in ………. und wohnhaft in Deutschland seit……………….

Zur Person:
Geburtsdatum und -ort.

Optional text to include minor children 
Ich zeige Ihnen auch hiermit gem §16 II 2 Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU den Aufenthalt meines minderjährigen Kindes/meiner <1/2/3> minderjährigen Kinder an.

Zur Person(en):
Geburtsdatum und -ort.
Britische(r) Staatsangehörige(r), britischen Reisepasses Nr. …………………., ausgestellt am…….. in ………. und wohnhaft in Deutschland seit……………….
Repeat personal information to cover each child 

Ich bitte Sie, mir den Erhalt dieser Anzeige zu bestätigen und mir die nächsten Schritte für die Ausstellung eines Aufenthaltsdokuments-GB mitzuteilen. Ferner beantrage ich, für mich (und das minderjährige Kind / die minderjährigen Kinder) eine Fiktionsbescheinigung für die Zeit bis zur Bearbeitung meiner Angelegenheit.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Following is a translation into English although we suggest that you use the German version above to make your notification.

Notification of Residence

Dear Madam, dear Sir,
I hereby notify you, in accordance with §16 II 2 Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU, of my residence in the Federal Republic of Germany.

I am a British citizen, holder of passport number …………………, issued on……………in………………. and have resided in Germany since…………………..

Personal details:
Date and place of birth

Optional text to include minor children
I also hereby notify you, in accordance with §16 II 2 Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU, of the residence in the Federal Republic of Germany of my minor child / (1/2/3) minor children.

Date and place of birth

British citizen, holder of passport number …………………, issued on……………in………………. and residing in Germany since…………………..
Repeat personal information to cover each child

Please confirm receipt of this notification and inform me of the next steps for the issue to me of a Residence document-GB. I also request the issue to me (and my child / my children) of a Fiktionsbescheinigung for the period up to the completion of this matter.

Yours faithfully,