Category Archives: British in Germany

Driving in Germany

Holders of a British driving licence can drive in Germany if they are visiting temporarily (e.g. on holiday).

If you are resident in Germany and intend to continue driving here, then you need to exchange your UK driving licence for a German one.

UK driving licence holders living in Germany can drive on their valid UK licence for 6 months after moving to Germany. After this time, your UK licence is not valid for driving in Germany.

You can exchange your UK licence for a German one at any time after moving to Germany. The Fahrerlaubnisbehörde” (driver licencing authority) in your local Stadt or Kreis are responsible for exchanging licences.

You do not need to take a theory or practical driving test to exchange your licence. You may need to undergo an eye test or present a medical certificate, depending on your driving licence category.

You cannot use an International Driving Permit (IDP) instead of exchanging your licence.

What do you need to do to exchange your licence?

  1. To apply, contact the “Fahrerlaubnisbehörde” (driver licencing authority) in your local Stadt or Kreis.
  2. You will be charged a fee.
  3. You may need to provide a notarised translation of your UK licence.

What if you return to live in the UK later?
The UK government Living in Germany information confirms that if you return to the UK in future, you can exchange your German driving licence for a UK licence without taking another test: Driving in Germany

Useful resources:
In 2022, the UK was added to the fact sheet  for holders of foreign driving licences from states outside the European Union and the European Economic Area: Driving-licence-provisions-fact-sheet

Information from the UK government about living in Germany and driving licences is here: Driving in Germany

Additional links:
A good and authoritative general source regarding driving licences in Germany is the English-language web page of the German transport ministry: Validity of foreign driving licences in Germany 

If you hold a licence from another EU country, then this should continue to be valid without needing to be exchanged for a German licence. Further information on driving licences in the EU is here: EU-driving-licence-recognition-validity

There is also a German fact sheet for holders of licences from EU and EEA states: Fact-sheet-EU-EEA-driving-licences

Visa requirements for arrivals post-Brexit (after Dec 2020)

Are you travelling to Germany as a tourist, on business, for studies, to work, or maybe to join family members who live there?

There are lots of different reasons British citizens want to travel to, or move to Germany and the German government has provided a lot of helpful information,  to help you to understand which visa you need based on your individual situation.

All British citizens are allowed to travel to Germany and the whole Schengen area without a visa for 90 days in any 180 day period. This applies if you travel as a tourist, to visit family or friends, to attend business meetings, cultural or sports events, or for short-term studies or training.

For those that want to stay longer in Germany, or find out options on future longer stays or living in Germany, below is a list of useful links to pages that we have checked, that should help you with most of what you are looking for.

If you were living in Germany at the end of transition on 31st December 2020, and you are covered by the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement, you do not need a visa.

UK performing artists no longer have free movement rights to travel and work across the EU. Those wanting to work or tour in Germany should inform themselves of the specific requirements and responsibilities, links listed below.

The Vander Elst Visa is also worth considering for third country nationals who are employees of EU companies and wish to to work on temporary assignments, links listed below.

Visa Navigator
Which visa do I need for Germany?

Visa Navigator – Visa Categories

Do I need a visa?
This article tells you whether you need a visa for Germany.

Visa information – Visa Services at the German Missions in the UK

German missions in the United Kingdom

FAQ and other important information

UK performing artists

Vander Elst Visa
Germany has a specific Visa for this, which you apply for in your host EU country.—grenzueberschreitende-dienstleistungserbringung—data.pdf


BiG Membership finally face to face

After the social drought of Covid, British in Germany members finally met face to face on 19th November to discuss the future direction of the organisation post Brexit.   Members from Munich, Leipzig, Braunschweig, Berlin, Hamburg and the UK came together for the day and the consensus was we should do it again soon. 

Members acknowledged that in the 5 years of the organisation’s existence, BiG has shaped and influenced the history of British lives in Germany and that that was something we should publicly acknowledge and celebrate.   

Going forward, key issues such as Dual Citizenship, Life Long UK Voting Rights and Youth Exchange were discussed and proposals made for working groups to be created on such different themes.

Thank you to all members for their contributions, including fantastic florescent blue cake (above) made by Rachel.

If you’d like to learn more about the organisation or become a member, don’t hesitate to sign up here:

Join or donate to British in Germany e.V.

or be in touch at 


Notification to Ausländerbehörde

UK citizens in Germany with rights under the Withdrawal Agreement have been asked to notify their local Ausländerbehörde (Foreigners’ Office) by 30th June, 2021.

More information

For more details on the residency process Residency – latest


Your local Ausländerbehörde may have provided a form for you to use to notify them of your residence and claim to rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

If not, you can use the template below. Simply copy the text and include your own details. Post as a letter to the Ausländerbehörde using registered mail (Einschreiben) if possible. That way you have proof that you sent it and that it was received. The Ausländerbehörde should confirm receipt of your notification.

If you have children under the age of 18 who have UK citizenship and whom you expect also to have rights under the WA, you should include them in your notification.

If at all possible, do this before the 30th June date . You do NOT lose your rights if you have not made a notification by this date. But after 30th June, it is more likely that you will be asked to provide evidence of your rights. If you do not yet have an Aufenthaltsdokument-GB, showing that you have at least contacted Ausländerbehörde will help.

Anzeige des Aufenthalts

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit zeige ich Ihnen gem §16 II 2 Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU meinen Aufenthalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland an.

Ich bin britische(r) Staatsangehörige(r), Inhaber/in eines britischen Reisepasses Nr. …………………., ausgestellt am…….. in ………. und wohnhaft in Deutschland seit……………….

Zur Person:
Geburtsdatum und -ort.

Optional text to include minor children 
Ich zeige Ihnen auch hiermit gem §16 II 2 Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU den Aufenthalt meines minderjährigen Kindes/meiner <1/2/3> minderjährigen Kinder an.

Zur Person(en):
Geburtsdatum und -ort.
Britische(r) Staatsangehörige(r), britischen Reisepasses Nr. …………………., ausgestellt am…….. in ………. und wohnhaft in Deutschland seit……………….
Repeat personal information to cover each child 

Ich bitte Sie, mir den Erhalt dieser Anzeige zu bestätigen und mir die nächsten Schritte für die Ausstellung eines Aufenthaltsdokuments-GB mitzuteilen. Ferner beantrage ich, für mich (und das minderjährige Kind / die minderjährigen Kinder) eine Fiktionsbescheinigung für die Zeit bis zur Bearbeitung meiner Angelegenheit.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Following is a translation into English although we suggest that you use the German version above to make your notification.

Notification of Residence

Dear Madam, dear Sir,
I hereby notify you, in accordance with §16 II 2 Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU, of my residence in the Federal Republic of Germany.

I am a British citizen, holder of passport number …………………, issued on……………in………………. and have resided in Germany since…………………..

Personal details:
Date and place of birth

Optional text to include minor children
I also hereby notify you, in accordance with §16 II 2 Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU, of the residence in the Federal Republic of Germany of my minor child / (1/2/3) minor children.

Date and place of birth

British citizen, holder of passport number …………………, issued on……………in………………. and residing in Germany since…………………..
Repeat personal information to cover each child

Please confirm receipt of this notification and inform me of the next steps for the issue to me of a Residence document-GB. I also request the issue to me (and my child / my children) of a Fiktionsbescheinigung for the period up to the completion of this matter.

Yours faithfully,




Residency with WA rights for arrivals pre-Brexit (before Dec 31 2020)

*****Information updated on 22.04.2021*****

The new German law  on the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement and the future of UK citizens’ residence in Germany came into force in November 2020.  For all UK citizens who were living in Germany before the end of the Brexit transition on 31st December 2020, this law is very important to understand – in order to maintain and protect your citizenship rights.  The law describes how German law puts into effect the Withdrawal Agreement to cover your future rights to live, work, study and retire in Germany, and defines how you will be able to evidence those rights in future.

Germany has adopted an approach (which British in Germany e.V.  supports) known as “declaratory”. This means you are not applying for your rights but simply asking for rights that you have to be officially documented. This is significantly different from the system adopted in some other countries, such as Austria, France and the UK.

In general, you acquired residence rights in Germany by law (von Amts wegen) under the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement, if you were resident in Germany and exercising your free movement rights at the end of the transition period. (31 Dec 2020)

In this case, you should request that you are issued with an individual residence document (Aufenthaltsdokument-GB) so you have evidence of your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement. 

Local Ausländerbehörde around the country are responsible for the process to get a residence document. As always, with the German Federal system, there are differences in the ways that Ausländerbehörde run the process.  But while the process is local, it’s important to remember that the legal framework is based in EU law and the Federal government has published guidance to help local authorities correctly apply the law across the whole of Germany.  

What are the steps you need to take?

If you have not already done so, contact your local Foreigners’ Office (Ausländerbehörde) as soon as possible.

Your Ausländerbehörde may have contacted you directly and have given you instructions steps to follow. Or there may be a form available on your local website. Some Ausländerbehörde have simply provided information on how to start the process via their local web page.  Check it out, but if you haven’t heard anything or are unsure, take the initiative yourself.

Write to your local Ausländerbehörde, preferably via a registered letter (Einschreiben mit Rückschein) so that you have proof of your action, telling them that, in accordance with § 16 FreizügG/EU and Article 18 (4) of the Withdrawal Agreement, you wish to:

    • Notify them of your residence in Germany, having exercised your free movement rights under EU law
    • Request that they issue you with a residence document (Aufenthaltstitel-GB)

There is a suggested template that you can use here

The German authorities are asking everyone to notify their Ausländerbehörde of their residence by 30th June, 2021. 

You can check which office is responsible for you here: Auslaenderbehoerden

In many publications/online and in the minds of some Ausländerbehörde, 30th June, 2021 seems to be considered a hard “deadline”. It is not. However, you will probably save yourself some discussion, if you make sure that you have contacted your local Ausländerbehörde before that date.

Once you have notified your local Ausländerbehörde, you have completed the actions that the German authorities are asking you to take. Your Ausländerbehörde is then responsible for initiating the next steps.

30th June is not a deadline by which documents must be issued and some offices already expect to take much longer. If you need to travel or if, for example, you need to present evidence of status to your employer, you may request a “Fiktionsbescheinigung” from your local Ausländerbehörde. Expected additional cost for a Fiktionsbescheinigung is EUR 13. (Note, however, that some areas including Berlin have stated that they will not issue Fiktionsbescheinigungen to UK citizens.)

What will the Ausländerbehörde do?

The Ausländerbehörde are supposed to acknowledge receipt of your communication, but we know that some places have been slow at doing this. If you are not sure whether or not your notification has been received, contact them to request that they provide confirmation.

In most cases, the Ausländerbehörde will ask you to provide various types of documentation. You may be asked to post or email copies or you may be asked to bring these to an appointment, or both. What exactly is requested varies by office. However, typically, you can expect to need to show evidence that you were resident in Germany before 31 December, 2020 (for example by showing an Anmeldung and/or Meldebescheinigung), as well as the obvious passport information confirming that you are a British citizen or a qualifying family member of a British citizen.

If you are employed or self-employed, you may be asked for some evidence of that status and income. If you are not, you will probably be asked for some evidence of funds (savings, pension, grants, benefits etc) that indicate you are able to support yourself. Some offices seem to be asking for evidence of rental contracts. Students may be asked to show evidence of registration at their place of study.

If you are asked for evidence of German language competency, or if it is suggested that you or your employer may need some kind of authorisation in order for you to work, then it is worth checking that they are not using the criteria for a different type of residence status and that they have understood that you are in scope of the Withdrawal Agreement.

At some point, you will be given an appointment at the Ausländerbehörde. How long it takes to get an appointment depends very much on the local office. Many offices simply ask you to wait until they contact you, some have an online booking system and a few allow you to call to make an appointment. You may be able to find information on the local website. Some offices seem to be progressing very quickly, but others have not yet started. Some appear to be completely closed down at the moment due to Covid.

When you go to your appointment, you will generally be required to show your passport, provide a photo, give your fingerprints and to pay a fee. (Some offices are requesting the fee at a later date.) In many cases, this will be all, but some offices are doing a thorough check of documents, both those submitted in advance and others, so you may wish to go prepared.

Permanent residence?

If you believe you should have “Daueraufenthalt” (permanent residence), for example, you have lived in Germany for at least five years, then you should request that this is mentioned on your card. You may be asked for more proofs that you have really been exercising free movement rights for a continuous five-year period. This may include evidence of health insurance, pension contributions and employment. Receiving Arbeitslosengeld I should not be an obstacle (as that is a benefit for which you have paid contributions) but receiving Arbeitslosengeld II may be. It may be that you have to build up a new continuous five-year period of meeting the conditions before you gain permanent residence.

For more information about Daueraufenthalt, see section 4 of this British in Europe guide.

If you believe you are entitled to “Daueraufenthalt” and wish to claim it, ALWAYS say so at your interview and preferably put the request in writing. The Ausländerbehörde may take an initiative to check whether you have Daueraufenthalt status, but are under no obligation to do so. It seems that many are not making such a check. Daueraufenthalt gives you some additional rights and securities under the WA so it is generally in your interest to request it. If you are not yet eligible, don’t worry: you can accumulate time from before 31st December, 2020 and after to complete the five continuous years and qualify for Daueraufenthalt at a later date.

The standard cost for issuing an Aufenthaltsdokument-GB is EUR 37.00 for those over 24 and EUR 22.80 for those who are younger. This is the same as the cost of an identity card for a German citizen. 

If you previously had a certificate of permanent residence issued to you as an EU citizen (Bescheinigung über das Daueraufenthaltsrecht für Unionsbürger), then you should be able to exchange this for the new card free of charge.

If you require a Fiktionsbescheinigung, there will usually be an additional cost of EUR 13.

After your appointment, once your rights under the WA have been registered, the local office will order an Aufenthaltsdokument-GB residence card for you.  The cards are produced centrally and then sent out to the local Ausländerbehörde, either for collection or for distribution by post. Which method seems to depend on the local office. You will also receive a letter with a PIN and PUK for the card. If you pick up the card in person, these electronic features should automatically already be activated. If you receive your card by post, you will have to visit a local office to have them activated.

What do I end up with?

The residence document which you should receive (Aufenthaltsdokument-GB) will look something like this:

On the front, under “Art des Titels” it should have the words: ARTIKEL 50 EUV, and below that under “Anmerkungen” ARTIKEL 18 (4) AUSTRITTSABKOMMEN

The right to work will be noted on the back under “Anmerkungen” with the words “Erwerbstätigkeit erlaubt”. This is also where a note may be included to state that you have permanent residency (after five years) “Daueraufenthalt”.

Check that your name, passport details etc are all correct.

The card should be valid for a minimum of 5 years even if your British passport expires sooner than this. Initially, some cards were mistakenly issued for a shorter period. If that applies to you, you can have the card switched without charge to one with a 5 year validity.  

The validity of the card isn’t the same as the validity of the status. Your card expiring in five years doesn’t mean your right to stay in Germany runs out then, just that you need to renew to get a new card (similar to a passport or a driving licence).

Status refused?

If your Ausländerbehörde tells you that you are not entitled to status under the Withdrawal Agreement and you believe that may be incorrect, you should take action as soon as possible. You can contact IOM or SSAFA directly to let them know your position. They are funded by the UK government to support UK citizens in dealing with the residency process. You can also write to the Ausländerbehörde to tell them that you disagree with their decision and that you wish to appeal it (Einspruch anlegen).

Other residence rights in Germany

You have a Daueraufenthaltsbescheinigung-EU?
This continues to be valid until end of December 2021. You will be able to swap the Bescheinigung über das Daueraufenthaltsrecht für Unionsbürger for the new document without charge.

You are a dual UK-German citizen?
If you have dual UK-German citizenship, you have residence rights in Germany as a citizen and do not need to request an Aufenthaltsdokument-GB.

You have another EU nationality as well as UK?
Your rights to live in Germany as an EU citizen have not changed. If you wish, you may request an Aufenthaltsdokument-GB as evidence that you also have rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

In some cases, you may have greater rights under the Withdrawal Agreement than as an EU citizen, for example, if you have Daueraufenthalt, you may leave for up to five years and then reclaim that status on return to Germany. On the other hand, as an EU citizen you retain your right to move freely to other EU countries.

Your spouse/partner is a German or EU citizen?
You may request an Aufenthaltsdokument-GB as evidence that you have rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

In addition, or alternatively, you probably have a right of residence in Germany as a result of your relationship. You would need an additional document, for which there will be a charge, to evidence that right.

As the partner of an EU citizen, your rights to move elsewhere in the EU together with your partner are greater than those you would have under the Withdrawal Agreement. On the other hand, your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement are your own and are not dependent on your relationship. 

You are a non-EU spouse/partner of a UK citizen?

If you have had a residence title as a partner/spouse of a UK citizen, rather than in your own right, you will need a new document. Your old one as the spouse/partner of an EU citizen will cease to be valid at the end of 2021. You will need to apply for that document for which there will be a charge.

Withdrawal Agreement and residency

You are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement if you are legally resident in Germany at the end of the transition period and if you continue to live here after this date. “Legally resident” means that you meet the conditions that apply to an EU citizen exercising free movement rights.

For more on the definitions of “legally resident” and “exercising free movement rights” see Explainer 1 on the British in Europe website here, and information in the FAQs from the BMI here.

As part of establishing that you are legally resident, it is very helpful if you have an Anmeldung (local registration) dated before 31st December, 2020. However, an Anmeldung alone is neither necessary nor sufficient for you to gain a status under the Withdrawal Agreement.

German and UK government information

Press release from the German Ministry of the Interior (BMI)

FAQs relating to the German national law which may be a useful reference when talking to your local Ausländerbehörde.

The Bundesministerium des Inneren has published guidance “Anwendungshinweise” for the Foreigners’ Offices which gives quite detailed information in German.  There is a courtesy version of this in English on the IOM and SSAFA websites (see below).

The UK Government and the British Embassy in Germany publish information for UK citizens in Germany. You can request regular update emails via the website.

In case you have questions or need support with your residency, the UK Government is funding two organisations who can help you:
IOM covers Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia.
SSAFA covers Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachsen and Nordrhein-Westfalen, as well as Services Veterans anywhere in Germany.

British in Germany’s Facebook Group

If you would like to exchange experiences with others going through the residency process in Germany, you may want to connect with the British in Germany e.V. Facebook group. Just answer our questions, and join the conversation!

Information on Withdrawal Agreement rights

Summaries and detailed guides from British in Europe

Already part way through? Been in touch with the Ausländerbehörde? Been to an appointment? Let us know how it is going by completing one of our surveys.

British in Germany e.V.  is run by volunteers all giving their time and their expertise for free.  We therefore value your membership for 15 Euros a year, which goes towards expenses incurred in running the organisation.  You can join here.

Main image by Pete Linforth at pixabay


Rights to benefits

*** Checked and updated on 16 February 2023 ***
*** Now includes links to information for post Brexit arrivals ***

Covered by the Withdrawal Agreement

If you are a UK citizen living in Germany and covered by the Withdrawal Agreement, you have rights to benefits in Germany in the same way as  EU and German citizens.

If you are applying for benefits or if there is any confusion about your rights, information from the relevant German ministries may help.

Information on benefits related to children and parenthood
Information on benefits related to unemployment

The Bundesagentur für Arbeit has also published an official ‘Weisung’ (directive) which includes information about rights to benefits for UK citizens covered by the Withdrawal Agreement.
“Britische Staatsangehörige, ihre Familiengehörigen und nahestehende Personen, deren aufenthaltsrechtliche Stellung sich aus dem Austrittsabkommen sowie dem FreizügG/EU ableitet, haben grundsätzlich einen gleichen aufenthaltsrechtlichen Status wie EU-Bürger, so dass ein Zugang zu den Leistungen nach dem SGB II entsprechend zu klären ist (vgl. §16 Absatz 5 FreizügG/EU).”

Is my right to benefits ‘automatic’?

No. There are conditions for receiving each benefit which also apply to German and EU citizens. So an application for benefit will depend on whether your specific situation meets the conditions for that benefit.

What if I am applying for work?

UK citizens covered by the Withdrawal Agreement keep their rights to work in Germany. For more information and links look at this previous post about Working in Germany

Arrival after December 2020

For UK citizens who arrived in Germany from 1 January, 2021, the regulations for third country citizens apply.

  • Firstly, if you want to come to Germany from a third country, you need a visa / residence permit. For more information see our article Arrivals after December 2020.

Once you are established in Germany, your rights to benefits are then the same as those available to other third country citizens.

Summary information and links:  Family benefits before and after Brexit.

Parental allowance, child allowance and maternity advance
(Elterngeld, Kindergeld, Unterhaltsvorschuss)

You can find out which family benefits third country nationals can receive under parental allowance , child allowance  and maintenance advance. Your benefits rights will depend in part on the type of residence permit / visa that you hold.

Maternity benefits (Mutterschaftsleistungen)

Maternity benefits are in general available to third country nationals. Exact entitlement depends in part on your work, financial and heath insurance status. Overall information:  maternity benefits.  You should also contact your health insurance company for more information.

Note that some information is available in English, but the above links are to German-language version as this tends to be more complete.

British in Germany e.V.  is solely run by volunteers giving their time and support to the organisation for free.   We’d welcome your support and/or membership for a mere 15 Euros a year. You can find more information here. 

Main image Steve Buissinne at pixabay

Am I still allowed to travel to and work in Germany?

*** Updated Jan 2023. ***

All British citizens can travel to Germany visa free for 3 months.  For a stay longer than 3 months, you are required to register with your local German Citizens Office or Town Hall and announce the purpose of your stay. (Registration – ‘Anmeldung’)

If you arrived into Germany after December 31 2020, and want to work in Germany, you are required to get the relevant working visa from your local Town Hall or Foreigner’s Office. (Ausländerbehorde). You can access some helpful links here.

If you are a UK citizen  and were living in Germany before December 31 2020. you are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement and therefore have the automatic right to work in Germany.  This is one of the key rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.  We do know of cases where  that right has been challenged by local authorities, so here is some information that may help:

Information on working rights

The Bundesagentur für Arbeit provides information on the right to work for UK citizens in Germany. Separate information is given for both those who covered by the WA (here called “Old Britons” or “Bestandsbriten”) and those who are not.

The Bundesministerium des Inneren Frequently Asked Questions includes the following:
‘From 1 January 2021, persons who were entitled to live or work in Germany (or another EU member state) until that date and who also exercised that right will essentially have the same rights as they had before withdrawal. ‘ BMI FAQs

The Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales published “Fragen und Antworten” on Brexit on 17 November, 2020. The introduction includes the following:
‘Für EU-Bürgerinnen und EU-Bürger, britische Staatsangehörige sowie ihre Familienangehörigen, die zum Ende der Übergangsphase dauerhaft im Vereinigten Königreich bzw. in der EU leben und arbeiten, sieht das Austrittsabkommen einen vollumfänglichen Bestandsschutz ihrer Rechte vor.’ 
BMAS faq-brexit

We have tried to further sum up your residency rights here under the Withdrawal Agreement. 

Information for employers

There is a memo published jointly by the BMI and BMAS and addressed specifically to employers: brexit-informationen-arbeitgeber

Version in English Arbeitgeber-Flyer Brexit V2.0_EN-b 

Were you already working for your employer before 1 Jan 2021? In that case, your employer does not need to ask you for proof of your right to continue working.  The same is normally true, provided that you are covered by the WA, even if you start working for an employer after 1 Jan 2021. Employers are advised to require evidence of status by the end of 2021.

New version 2 published 2 June, 2021

This version includes important changes.

  1. “Trust” period for employment of UK citizens extended from 30th June to end of 2021
  2. Statement that it may take the authorities until the end of the year to complete processing for residence documents
  3. Information on professional activities “not classed as work” for business travellers and persons working in the sports or arts sectors
Key information in the flyer

The flyer, addressed to employers of UK citizens, includes very specific  information.  So you can point your employer directly to this as an authoritative source.
Wenn Ihre Arbeitnehmerin oder Ihr Arbeitnehmer unter das Austrittsabkommen fällt, ist er oder sie auch ohne entsprechendes Dokument berechtigt, bei Ihnen zu arbeiten. Wenn Sie wissen, dass Ihre Arbeitnehmerin oder Ihr Arbeitnehmer berechtigt ist, müssen Sie nichts
weiter unternehmen.
Dies gilt vor allem dann, wenn

  • britische Staatsangehörige oder
  • Familienangehörige britischer Staatsangehöriger mit Aufenthaltskarte oder Daueraufenthaltskarte

bereits vor dem 31. Dezember 2020 bei Ihnen legal gearbeitet haben. Sie können dann, ohne sich weitere Dokumente vorlegen zu lassen, diese Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer auch danach einfach weiter beschäftigen. Sie müssen keine Dokumente kopieren oder scannen oder zu Ihren Lohnunterlagen nehmen. 

Gleiches gilt grundsätzlich auch, wenn eine Arbeitnehmerin oder ein Arbeitnehmer unter das Austrittabkommen fällt und erst ab dem 1. Januar 2021 eine Beschäftigung aufgenommen hat oder noch aufnimmt. Auch dann ist keine weitere Vorlage von Unterlagen erforderlich. Auch dann müssen Sie keine Dokumente kopieren oder scannen oder zu Ihren Lohnunterlagen nehmen.

Bis zum Ende des Jahres 2021 können Sie der Aussage britischer Staatsangehöriger, ein Aufenthaltsrecht nach dem Austrittsabkommen zu haben, vertrauen. Davon können Sie zumindest dann ausgehen, wenn die Berechtigten am 31. Dezember 2020 in Deutschland gewohnt haben.’

There is also an official ‘Weisung’ (directive) from the Bundesagentur here:

The Bundesministerium des Inneren Frequently Asked Questions includes a question and answer in English and German: ‘I am an employer and employ UK nationals or their family members. What do I need to bear in mind in future?’ / ‘Ich bin Arbeitgeberin oder Arbeitgeber und beschäftige Britinnen oder Briten oder deren Familienangehörige. Was muss ich künftig beachten?’
BMI FAQs in English
BMI FAQs in German

In case your employer or prospective employer is confused or uncertain about your right to work, the links and documents above should provide clear information and reassurance.

Evidence of Withdrawal Agreement rights

Just in case you do need to provide proof that you are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement before you get your Aufenthaltsdokument-GB, you may be able to use documents that you already have.  For example, a Meldebescheinigung, proof that you were previously working, a rental agreement, bank statements etc. But you can also request a temporary Fiktionsbescheinigung from your local Ausländerbehörde.

Not yet notified your residence and rights? Don’t delay! For more information: Residency – latest 

Information on Withdrawal Agreement rights

We have tried to further sum up your residency rights here under the Withdrawal Agreement. 

Summaries and detailed guides from British in Europe

Moving to Germany now?

Then you will not be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement and will need to request permission to work as a third country national. For German government information, see


British in Germany e.V.  is run by volunteers all giving their time and their expertise for free.  We therefore value your membership for 15 Euros a year, which goes towards expenses incurred in running the organisation.  You can apply for membership here.

Main image Pexels pixabay

German-English Useful Vocabulary List

Official German can be confusing at the best of times – even for native speakers. When it comes to talking around residence rights it is important to know and be able to use the correct terms, as using the wrong vocabulary has the potential to cause serious problems. You also need to be aware if officials are using the wrong terminology with you, in case that indicates a misunderstanding of your situation and you being given less favourable conditions than those you are entitled to. 

With that in mind, we have put together a quick introduction to terms you need to know (and those you need to avoid). 

German-English vocabulary list: 

Aufenthaltsdokument-GB – GB-residence document
Aufenthaltserlaubnis – residence permit
Aufenthaltsrecht – right of residence
Aufenthaltsstatus – residence status
Aufenthaltstitel – residence title
Aufenthaltsgesetz – Residence Act
Ausländerbehörde (might be known locally by another name such as Migrationsamt, Einwanderungsamt or similar) – Foreigners Registration Authority
Austrittsabkommen – Withdrawal Agreement
Bescheinigung über das Daueraufenthaltsrecht für Unionsbürger – Certificate of permanent residence for EU citizens
Daueraufenthaltsrecht – right of permanent residence
Drittstaatsangehörige(r) – Third Country National
Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EU – EU Long term residence permit
festem Wohnsitz – fixed address
– entitled to free movement
Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU – Freedom of Movement Act/EU
Niederlassungserlaubnis – settlement permit 

In practice

Here we now put these terms into action to explain further what they mean in practice (we’ve also included a bilingual summary of the information at the end): 

Residence status under the Withdrawal Agreement and Freedom of Movement Act/EU

For British citizens who are in scope, your new residence status (Aufenthaltsstatus) is obtained automatically by law (kraft Gesetzes) under Article 18(4) of the Withdrawal Agreement (Austrittsabkommen) in combination with Paragraph 16 of the German Freedom of Movement Act/EU (§ 16 Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU). 

You should notify the Ausländerbehörde of your residence in Germany (den Aufenthalt in Deutschland bei der Ausländerbehörde anzeigen). NB: This is not the same as registering when you move into a new property (Anmeldung einer Wohnung) – it is something completely separate. 

Once you have notified them of your residence, the Ausländerbehörde should contact you to let you know the process for them issuing you with a new GB-residence document (Ausstellung eines Aufenthalsdokuments-GB). They should do this ex officio (von Amts wegen), i.e. it is not something for which you need to submit an application (Antrag) as such, even if you may need to fill in a form with some basic details.

You do not need to submit an application for a residence title to be granted (einen Antrag auf Erteilung eines Aufenthaltstitels stellen), as this is something completely different, see below for more information. Be aware of Ausländerbehörden asking you to fill in the incorrect form. 

For further details, see our British in Germany brief guide to what you need to get a GB-residence document. Further information can also be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) in both English and German

Residence titles: residence status for Third Country Nationals under the Residence Act 

Residence titles (Aufenthaltstitel), fall under the Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz) and not the Freedom of Movement Act/EU. There are four main types of residence title, two from domestic German law and two from European law. 

The residence titles from German law are: 

  • residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) – a temporary status 
  • settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) – a permanent / long-term status 

The residence titles from European law are: 

  • EU Blue card (Blaue Karte EU) – a temporary status, similar to the German resident permit 
  • EU Long term residence permit (Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EU) – a permanent / long-term status, similar to the German settlement permit. 

Additional residence titles are the visa (Visum), as well as the ICT Card (ICT Karte) and the Mobile ICT Card (Mobile ICT-Karte) – NB: ICT stands here for intra-corporate transfer. 

A residence title is not gained automatically but rather must be granted (erteilt) by the Ausländerbehörde following an application. 

It is important that you are aware that if you have a right of residence (Aufenthaltsrecht) under the Withdrawal Agreement, then you do not fall under the general Residence Act, which is what applies to most non-EU citizens in Germany. This is a very important distinction. The conditions under the Residence Act are much stricter and in some cases the rights attached are much less favourable. 

There are some cases where you might wish to apply for a residence title under the Residence Act in addition to your automatic residence status under the Withdrawal Agreement. For example, the two residence titles from European law provide limited rights that can make it easier to move to another EU country. If you chose to apply for a residence title in addition to your status under Withdrawal Agreement, then you must of course meet all the normal relevant criteria the same as any other Third Country National (Drittstaatsangehörige/r). 

In summary


British citizens who are in scope of the Withdrawal Agreement obtain a right of residence in Germany by virtue of law (German Freedom of Movement Act/EU). No application is required. Affected Brits should notify their local Foreigners Registration Authority of their residence in Germany. Following this they will be issued with a GB-residence document. They do not have to apply for a residence title to be granted under Germany’s Residence Act (e.g. a residence permit or a settlement). They may, however, possess both a residence status under the Withdrawal Agreement and a residence title under the Residence Act at the same time. 


Britische Staatsangehörige, die nach dem Austrittsabkommen begünstigt sind, erhalten kraft Gesetzes (Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU) ein Aufenthaltsrecht in Deutschland. Dazu bedarf es keines Antrages. Betroffene Brit:innen sollten ihren Aufenthalt in Deutschland bei der örtlichen Ausländerbehörde anzeigen. Infolgedessen wird ihnen ein Aufenthaltsdokument-GB ausgestellt. Sie müssen keinen Antrag auf Erteilung eines Aufenthaltstitels nach dem Aufenthaltsgesetzes (z.B. die Aufenthaltserlaubnis oder die Niederlassungserlaubnis) stellen. Sie dürfen jedoch sowohl ein Aufenthaltsrecht nach dem Austrittsabkommen als auch einen Aufenthaltstitel nach dem Aufenthaltsgesetz gleichzeitig besitzen.

For more information on what you need to do, see here: what to do about residency

Main image: Gerd Altmann  pixabay

British in Germany e.V. is run by volunteers all giving their time and their expertise for free. We therefore value your membership for 15 Euros a year, which goes towards expenses incurred in running the organisation. You can join here.

Residency in Germany after transition

For more detailed practical information about notifying your residency and requesting a residence document, please see these posts:
Residency – latest
Notification to Ausländerbehörde

The new German law  on the future of UK citizens’ residence in Germany, covered by the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement, was passed in November 2020 by the Bundestag and the Bundesrat and signed off by the German President, coming into force on 24th November 2020.  

For all UK citizens who are living in Germany at the end of transition on 31st December 2020,  (and that means actually registered with an ‘Anmeldung’  at your local Bürgeramt not just, for example, on a business trip or holiday) this law is really important.  It’s the culmination of hard negotiation and lobbying that British in Germany e.V. has been involved in with German and British authorities over many months.  It basically puts into German law all your future rights to live, work, study and retire in Germany and defines how you will be able to evidence those rights in future.

The fundamental decision Germany has adopted (which British in Germany e.V.  supports) is an approach known as “declaratory”. This means that if you are registered as living in Germany and are exercising your free movement rights at the end of transition then, by law, you acquire residence status in Germany as set out in the Withdrawal Agreement. 

What you need to do is to request an individual residence document (Aufenthaltsdokument-GB) so you have evidence of your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.   

The first step is to notify your local Foreigner’s Office (Ausländerbehörde) that you are living in Germany .  

Important to note, this is not the same as the registration (Anmeldung), which you are required to do on arrival in Germany.

If you already have a Daueraufenthaltsbescheinigung-EU (Certificate of the right of permanent residence for EU citizens), you will be able to swap this for the new document without charge.

If you have dual UK-German citizenship, you have residence rights in Germany as a citizen and do not need to request an Aufenthaltsdokument-GB.

So what do UK citizens in Germany need to do now?

Contact your local Foreigner’s Office (Ausländerbehörde) asap*  You can tell them that in accordance with § 16 FreizügG/EU and Article 18 (4) of the Withdrawal Agreement, you wish to:
    • Notify them of your residence in Germany, having exercised your free movement rights under EU law
    • Request that they issue you with a residence document (Aufenthaltstitel-GB)
*It’s possible that the Ausländerbehörde may have already contacted you, and we know from our members some have already done so.  Others may be providing information on how to start the process via their local web page.  Check it out, but if you haven’t heard anything, it’s definitely worth you taking the initiative yourself. 

You can check which office is responsible for you here:

Time period
The time period set by the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement for notifying of residence in Germany is 6 months from end of transition i.e. up to 30th June, 2021. 
Documents needed
The Ausländerbehörde will want to see your passport as proof of identity and UK citizenship, plus evidence of your local registration (Anmeldung). You may need to get an up-to-date Meldebescheinigung from your local town hall or other registration office. To visit the Ausländerbehörde you will probably need to make an appointment, especially in these Covid times when phone or e-mail appointments will be more popular.

You may also be asked for other documents that will help to show your residence in Germany under EU freedom of movement rules, such as tax, salary or bank statements, or evidence of student status.

Withdrawal Agreement and residency

You are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement if you are legally resident in Germany at the end of the transition period and if you continue to live here after this date. “Legally resident” means that you meet the conditions that apply to an EU citizen exercising free movement rights.

For more on the definitions of “legally resident” and “exercising free movement rights” see Explainer 1 on the British in Europe website here, and information in the FAQs from the BMI here.

As part of establishing that you are legally resident, if at all possible, make sure you have your Anmeldung (local registration) before 31st December, 2020. However, an Anmeldung alone is neither necessary nor sufficient for you to gain a status under the Withdrawal Agreement.

What do I end up with?

The residence document which you should receive (Aufenthaltsdokument-GB) will look something like this:

The right to work will be noted under “Anmerkungen”. This is also where a note may be included to state that you have permanent residency (after 5 years) or that you also have a Blue Card or EU long term residence permit.

Our current understanding is that these documents will be produced centrally and that production will start in January 2021. So even if you are able to start the process in December with your local Ausländerbehörde, the document will probably not be issued before the beginning of 2021.

The standard cost for issuing an Aufenthaltsdokument-GB will be EUR 37.00 for those over 24 and EUR 22.80 for those who are younger. This is the same cost of an identity card for a German citizen.

What happens locally?

Local Ausländerbehörde around the country are responsible for issuing residence documents. Some have already updated their websites with the latest information, including information about what steps you should take, but some haven’t yet.  As we’ve said, some offices have already written directly to UK citizens in their area, while others may take a different approach.  As always, with the German federal system, there are likely to be differences in the ways that Ausländerbehörde run the process.  Therefore British in Germany e.V. advises that you take the initiative yourself to contact them if you’ve not heard anything.  While the processing for the Aufenthaltsdokumente-GB is local, it’s important to remember that the legal framework for the new German residency law is national. 

German and UK government information

Press release from the German Ministry of the Interior (BMI)

FAQs relating to the German national law which may be a useful reference when talking to your local Ausländerbehörde.

The UK Government and the British Embassy in Germany publish information for UK citizens in Germany. You can request regular update emails via the website.

Information on Withdrawal Agreement rights

Summaries and detailed guides from British in Europe

British in Germany e.V.  is run by volunteers all giving their time and their expertise for free.  We therefore value your membership for 15 Euros a year, which goes towards expenses incurred in running the organisation.  You can apply for membership here.

Main image by Pete Linforth at pixabay